If you are working with Golang, you must know that in Golang, a language slice is flexible, more convenient, and more powerful than an array. The language slice is lightweight and easier to handle. Golang language always allows the user to sort the slice elements based on their type. The sort packages can also be bought individually. There are some inherent sort structures present in the language. Other than that, there are plenty of paid sorting packages that you can use to make the sorting task easier. Import sort packages in your Golang system to experience better sorting of all data types.
How to Sort Array in Golang?
Convert array to slice. In the next step simply use sort. To sort in Golang you can use the Slice () method. Golang is quite helpful if you want to sort functions. Golang has an in-built function for aborting. This function is used to sort floating point numbers, strings, and integers. You can sort array in Go by using any of the sorts of the following function. Ints – for the integers. This function is used to sort any type of integer on Golang in ascending order.
- Float64s – for floating point numbers. This function sorts a string slice in ascending order.
- Strings – for strings. This function sorts a slice of floating point values in ascending order.
IntsAreSorted – This one is a unique sorting function that is usually used to check whether the slice of Ints provided is sorted in ascending order or not. This is quite a useful tool for sorting in Golang. Firstly because it makes sorting hassle-free and faster. Secondly, multiple times, Golang portrays false sorting. That means even though the data is not sorted and in raw format, it is demonstrated as sorted. The IntsAreSorted function is used to verify whether the data is sorted or not.
Final Words
Sorting methods are quite specific to the type of built-in feature. Sorting functions are used to put into order a slice of integers, floating numbers, or strings and simultaneously check whether a slice is already in the sorted order or not. Always remember, sorting in Golang is an in-place action, which means once you apply the function, you will get a completely ordered and sorted slice and there is no returning of the previous original slice.